Thursday, January 10, 2019

Three things parents should help their child from an early age to grow a smart, non-degenerating brain

To grow the best, besides having good health conditions, babies need dietary care and necessary caregivers.

Therefore, parents should continue breastfeeding for at least 2 years or more, as the milk powder is rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, iron and essential minerals. Push the child's growth to the best. In addition, the guardian must select the milk powder with Gos-Fos and Fiber to help the digestive system work well and have zinc, which makes immune system immune system harder, Calcium and Vitamin D to strengthen bones and grow. Well.

According to Sipar's Good Child Feeding Handbook, to ensure that children are rapidly developing, they need immediate help from their parents and their surroundings, and children's growth is divided into three categories:

1. Physical growth:

Parents need to be involved in helping children develop bigger and smaller movements through activities such as hugging, kissing, and caring for children because physical contact with children helps the brain release the hormones they need to grow better. So when your baby begins to crawl, you should prepare a safe and attractive place for your child to move freely without danger.

2. Intellectual growth:

Parents need to help their child become lifelong learners from a very small age by creating or giving children the opportunity to play in a challenging, challenging, and curious place. Draw, paint, picture and play with them, and encourage them and give them a lot of praise.

3. Language and Communication Growth:

Children learn to interact with people around them by talking and listening. Dad can help children to be able to speak clearly and accurately through interactive or interactive questions about their surroundings to children, using clear words, gestures and singing, reading stories, and encouraging them to talk. Give it a lot.

When children begin listening, their parents need to help their children learn how to feel, feel, feel, feel, be sad and express their feelings.

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